Welcome to Artjio, where creativity meets community through our online drawing, coloring, and painting classes.

Artjio is dedicated to nurturing the artistic talents of children and mothers alike, providing a vibrant platform for creative expression and learning. Here’s a look at our history, background, experience, and why Artjio should be your choice for art education.

History and Background

Artjio was founded with a vision to make art education accessible to everyone, regardless of location or prior experience. Our story began with a passion for art and a belief in its transformative power. Since our inception, we have strived to create a supportive and engaging environment where students can explore their creativity and develop their skills.

Founders: Mrs. Leena Bandil, a seasoned artist and educator with over 20 years of experience, leads Artjio. Her daughter, Mrs. Ayushi Rajawat, supports her in ensuring the smooth running of classes and providing personalized feedback.

Mission: Our mission is to enhance creativity among children and mothers, using art as a medium to foster character development and emotional expression. We aim to create a global community of young artists who are confident, expressive, and skilled.

Student Reach: During the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Artjio successfully taught over 65,000 students worldwide. This accomplishment underscores our capability to deliver quality education remotely, adapting to new challenges and ensuring continuous learning.

Teaching Approach: Our unique teaching techniques blend creativity with character development. We use engaging stories linked to artworks to make learning enjoyable and meaningful. This approach not only teaches art but also imparts valuable life lessons, impacting children’s behavior positively.

Why Choose Us?

Expert Instructors: Classes are conducted by Mrs. Leena Bandil, whose extensive experience and expertise ensure that students receive top-notch guidance. Personalized feedback is provided by her or Mrs. Ayushi Rajawat, ensuring consistent quality.

Flexible Learning: We understand that schedules can be hectic. Hence, we offer recordings of each class with lifetime access, allowing students to revisit and revise at their convenience. Missed a class? No problem – the recordings ensure you never fall behind.

Personalized Feedback: Despite having large class sizes (sometimes up to 200-300 students per batch), we ensure individual attention by providing personalized feedback on submitted artworks. This helps in continuous improvement and skill enhancement.

Holistic Development: Our classes are designed to build not just artistic skills but also to foster overall development. The moral stories and character-building elements embedded in our teaching methods have been reported to significantly improve children’s behavior and confidence.

Competitive Edge: Students at Artjio often excel in local, state, national, and international competitions. Our guidance and training equip them with the skills and confidence needed to succeed.

Community and Support: Being part of Artjio means joining a community of like-minded individuals passionate about art. We provide a supportive environment where students can share their work, receive feedback, and grow together.

Convenience: Classes can be taken from any device – mobile, laptop, or tablet. This flexibility ensures that learning can happen anytime, anywhere.


At Artjio, we believe in the power of art to transform lives. Our classes are more than just lessons in drawing and painting; they are journeys into creativity, character building, and community. Join us at Artjio and discover the joy of creating, learning, and growing in a nurturing and supportive environment. Whether you are a parent looking to enrich your child’s life or a mother seeking a creative outlet, Artjio is your ideal destination for artistic growth and development.